COVID-19:Scientists Explain Why Some are killed And Others Spared By The Disease


The Latest covid-19 case update in Nigeria indicates that 50964 cases have been confirmed with the virus,while 37569 cases have been discharged and 992 deaths have been recorded in 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory. Though the novel coronavirus causing COVID-19 seems to affect some people more than others, with some people experiencing only mild symptoms and others being admitted and requiring ventilation. A total of 37569 have been discharged and spared from the deadly strikes of this virus. This article uses a scientific approach and diagnosis to those discharged, to try to unravel the various factors that can influence coronavirus action.

Though scientists at first thought age was the main factor, with young people escaping the worst outcomes, new research has found a suite of features impacting disease severity. Also, underlying health conditions are believed to be an vital factor influencing disease severity. The most usually reported underlying conditions included heart disease, diabetes and chronic lung disease. 

In general, risk factors for majority of severe COVID-19 outcomes include: Age, Diabetes (type 1 and type 2), Heart disease and hypertension, Smoking, Blood type and obesity.


The risk of dying from coronavirus and the likelihood  requiring hospitalization or intensive medical care,rises significantly with age. The ability of the immune system to combat pathogens also decreases with age, leaving elderly people more vulnerable to severe viral infections. The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control indicates people within the 31 to 40 years age bracket are more likely to contrac the coronavirus in the country. It, however, stated that more deaths have been recorded among older people of 60 years and above. The trend might be due, in part, to the fact that a great number of  elderly people have chronic medical conditions, that can stimulate the symptoms of COVID-19.


Diabetes mellitus is a group of diseases that can cause harmful high blood sugar levels and can also lead to risk of more severe COVID-19 infections,including the type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

In some relevant studies, scientists found that people with diabetes were nearly 3.7 times more likely to experience a critical case of COVID-19 or to die from the disease compared with COVID-19 patients presenting no underlying health conditions (including diabetes, hypertension, heart disease or respiratory disease). Overall, type 2 diabetes has been linked with impairment of the very system in the body that can help to fight off infections such as COVID-19 and could explain why a person with diabetes is at higher risk for a severe infection. Same with the type 1 diabetes as this link could be responsible for poorer outcomes in a person with diabetes exposed to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. 

Heart Disease and Hypertension

People with conditions that affect the cardiovascular system, including heart disease and hypertension, generally suffer worse complications from COVID-19 than those having no preexisting conditions. However, historically healthy people can also suffer heart damage as t the result of viral infection.

A study of COVID-19 patients in Wuhan, China, showed that more than 1 in 5 patients developed heart damage meaning some of the sampled patients had existing heart conditions, but some did not. These emerging patterns,allowed scientists develop several theories as to why COVID-19 might hurt both damaged hearts and healthy ones .

In one scenario,by attacking the lungs directly, the virus might deplete the body's supply of oxygen to the point that the heart might need to work harder to pump oxygenated blood through the body. The virus could also attack the heart directly, as cardiac tissue. This poses a threat to this vital organs causing the body become severely inflamed and the heart might suffer damage as a result.


The federal ministry of health has warned that smokers are liable to die young. People who smoke cigarettes could be prone to severe COVID-19 infections, meaning they face a higher risk of developing , suffering organ damage and requiring breathing support.

Cigarette smoke could render the body vulnerable to the coronavirus in several ways. At baseline, smokers might be vulnerable to catching viral infections because smoke exposure weakens the immune system over time, damages tissues of the respiratory tract and triggers chronic inflammation.

Several early studies have found a link between obesity and more severe COVID-19 disease in people. It's not clear why obesity is linked to more hospitalizations and more severe COVID-19 disease, but there are numerous possibilities. One study, which analyzed a group of COVID-19 patients who were younger than the age of 60, showed that those who were obese were twice as likely as non-obese individuals to be hospitalized and were 1.8 times as likely to be admitted into intensive care. 

Blood Type

Blood type seems to be a factor of how susceptible a person is to contracting SARS-CoV-2, though scientists haven't established a link between blood type per se and severity of disease. However, scientists discovered that individuals with blood types in the A group (A-positive, A-negative and AB-positive, AB-negative) stood a higher chance of contracting the disease compared with non-A-group types. Peeople with O blood types (O-negative and O-positive) had a lower risk of contracting the infection compared with non-O blood types.

Why blood type could increase or decrease a person's risk of getting SARS-CoV-2 , a person's blood type also indicates what kind of certain antigens cover the surfaces of their blood cells; These antigens produce some antibodies to help combat a pathogen. Past research has suggested that at least in the SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV), anti-A antibodies can help inhibit the virus; that may be the same mechanism with SARS-CoV-2 allowing blood group O individuals to keep out the virus.

Many medical conditions might worsen the symptoms of COVID-19, so there is need to maintain a healthy life style, keep a  safe distance and apply the basic necessary health protocols to stay alive and healthy. While we all try to help curb the spread of this virus, it's also important to remember these basic risk factors.


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