COVID-19:Growing Support For Petition Demanding US Drug Regulator To Stop Opposing Hydroxychloroquine


There is a growing number of independent, well respected, and non–politically affilliated medical experts who declare that hydroxychloroquine is a safe and helpful antidote to the coronavirus.

So why has the U.S.A. Food and Drug Administration stopped something that appears to be an all-around net-positive drug? Why is it that the FDA always looks to be inherently opposed to medical freedom and what  “alternative” treatments is it proposing?

It’s not conspiratorial to suspect that companies that are positioned to make tens of billions of dollars in profits from the sale of COVID-19 vaccines might want to bury a cheap, safe, and widely available treatment for the virus.

Pharmaceutical companies spend millions of dollars lobbying Congress and the White House every election campaign. We’re seeing this play out right now with the way the coronavirus vaccine is being tackled by the likes of Bill and Melinda GatesOthers are saying a vaccine should be mandatory for all Americans in the days ahead.

Since its publication less than two weeks ago, LifeSite’s petition calling on the FDA to reverse its opposition to hydroxychloroquine as a possible treatment for COVID-19 has garnered over 20,000 signatures.

This cheap, cost-effective, anti-malaria drug has long been considered as a safe treatment to the Chinese coronavirus by several medical professionals, most especially by the now social media–censored America’s Frontline Doctors group.

This truth-telling organization gathered at its “White Coat Summit” in Washington, D.C. last month, but Google, Facebook, and YouTube effectively deleted their viral videos from the internet within hours. LifeSite published a petition calling on these tech tyrants to reinstate the Frontline Doctors’ videos, but so far, Big Tech has not listened to our demands. If you want to join the chorus of 80,000 people who have already added their names to that letter.

In the end, it doesn’t matter if the motivation behind the FDA’s opposition to hydroxychloroquine as a possible cure for COVID-19 is informed by partisan politics, the influence of pharmaceuticals, or just bad science. What matters is that Americans and people around the world are dying unnecessarily, and we need to reverse this terrible decision immediately

"As we saw by the grotesque censorship of the Frontline Doctors’ “White Coat Summit” last week, Big Tech has swallowed the political lie, hook, line, and sinker and is now in a full-blown virtue-signaling campaign of censorship against hydroxychloroquine.

The petition concludes:"Please sign our petition right now. It will be delivered to the Food and Drug Administration and President Trump at the White House as soon as possible. There is no time to waste!".


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