Incredible Story Of The Fattest Kid In The World Who Lost 105 kg


Arya Permana,a 13 -year-old boy,from Indonesia weighing 31 stone – the fattest and heaviest child in the world – is undergoing weight loss in a bid to save his life and have normal life. Weighing just 8lb at birth, his parents say they were stunned when he started gaining weight rapidly – and he reached three stone when he was just six months old.
Arya Permana has lost a massive 16 stone after he underwent a gastric bypass.when he was just 11, Arya Permana had earned the devastating title of the world's fattest and heaviest boy. He weighed almost 30 stone and by the time he was 10,he could hardly walk alone without help. Arya was too huge to use the family bathroom and instead he had to wash in an outdoor pond.
 His diet of instant noodles, deep-fried chicken and fizzy drinks made him pile on the pounds almost as soon as he began eating. Arya weighed as much as six average boys of his age and his condition became so extreme that he eventually had to be schooled at home given the fact he could no longer make it into classes.     
Arya Permana:The Fattest Child In The World

His parents say they tried to encourage their morbidly obese son to eat more healthily,but  they admit ,they couldn't stop from spoiling him

His father, Ade Somantri, stated: "Since Arya was five-years-old and already getting big I can say, 'yes I spoiled him.

"If he wanted to eat or drink sweet food and drinks we just gave it, if he wanted instant noodles, we just cooked it."

Arya was able to eat five huge meals a day, so large they had to be served on two plates.

Despite requesting from his parents for sweet food, Arya was desperate to loose weight.

And then, it started having a serious impact on his health, making him unable to walk for more than five minutes before falling short of breath,and not being able to carry on.

Doctors had tried to convince Arya's parents to give permission for him to have a gastric sleeve fitted to help him shed  pounds.

Initially they were unwilling to allow their son to have the surgery but when they realised they were putting his life at risk,they agreed.

The operation, carried out in Indonesia's capital, Jakarta, took five hours and just a month later Arya had already lost an impressive five stone.

However, Arya, who was only13 when he had the surgery found the adjustment to what he could eat incredibly difficult.

Arya was very annoyed and upset since he loved eating but after the gastric bypass surgery, when he eats a lot, he vomits."

From two huge plates every meal-time, Arya was now full after eating only a few spoonfuls of food.

Slowly, he started getting used to his new diet and now he loves to eat grilled fish, vegetables, soup and fruit.

Arya lost enough weight to be able to manage the walk to school and was delighted to be back playing with his friends.

He can also now play the sport he likes, but was unable to take part in for a long time.

Arya said: "I am happier now because I can play football, hang out with friends, play around, go to the river.

"Back then I couldn't do anything or go anywhere, I couldn't play football, I couldn't play badminton, but now I can do it."

The outdoor pond where he used  to bathe in is now covered in plants because he no longer needs it and Arya one day dreams of turning a footballer.

But, while the teenager can now lead a much more active life, he has been left with lots of excess skin on his chest, stomach, back and arms.
The skin on his arms  particularly left Arya feeling embarrassed, and he would try to cover it up with long shirts. It also meant when he did participate in sports, the excess skin would rub and irritate him.
Arya underwent the first of at least four planned surgeries at the Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung in July 2019, to reduce the excess skin on his arms.
He hopes to go back for further skin removal surgeries in the future – although with the COVID-19 pandemic it is not confirmed when he could have the rest of the surgeries.

He is now hoping to have this removed. And his parents are delighted their son is much happier after losing so much weight.

His dad said: "His attitude looks calm, more cheerful and with his body weight now he can play football or volleyball with his friends.

"From what I observed about his mental state, he is more confident."

His personal trainer has also declared that Arya was a "symbol of hope" for anyone who needs to lose weight

Trainer Ade Rai explained: "According to Arya's parents, initially he weighed 85kg before his appetite increased tremendously.

"He is now losing weight without losing his spirit. This is a rare quality, especially among adults.

"Arya is now a symbol of hope. People now say: 'Even Arya can lose weight, so why can't I?'"


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