COVID-19:"Learn To Live With The Virus",WHO Tells All Countries


World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that we have to learn to live with the virus. According to the statement on Twitter, the agency indicated that the critical question every country will face in the coming days is how to live with the virus since the pandemic is  far away from over.
According to the statement, WHO has warned that even though some countries are experiencing a decreasing pattern of Covid-19 cases, the virus is not even close to being over. The agency further explained that even though some countries have implemented unprecedented measures to curb the spread of the virus, they have not completely eradicated it. Some countries are even now experiencing a surge as soon as they move to reopen their economies and easing lockdown measures.
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WHO said that although everybody wants this to be over so that they can continue with normal lives, we have to practice resilience, patience,generosity and even humility for some months to come.
However, the agency hinted that the world should not loose hope even if losses are enormous. This is the time the countries should take step to curtail the spread of the disease,find means to live with the virus and building a safer and fairer world.


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