What private school Teachers could be doing now before school resumes

As schools continue to be closed and teachers remaining idle and jobless, the question that bothers private schools teachers now is how to make ends meet.
And the corona virus pandemic continuing to put many economic activities on-hold in many cities of the world, I feel the pains and challenges private school teachers are going through at such difficult time. For those teachers under the government, they are well  taken care of. But private schools teachers have to really strive to cope with the situation at hand. Many schools stopped paying teachers salary since there is no income  coming in for the school either. Despite all this, there are some things private school teachers can do to keep up with the challenges.
Firstly, private school teachers can consider some little jobs that could not cost much for them. For example, selling goods online in Olist, Omall and social media. This can allow them make extra income before resumption. it is not just about the government, they may not be able to reach everybody. Yet, teachers can do  various things that will generate some income.
Also,teachers may consider teaching online and earn good cash from this. What about having a YouTube channel, create a video of their core-subject area, like English,  biology,mathematics etc. For instance,if he/she teaches biology ,he/she can record the lecture then post it on his/her YouTube channel, they can have opportunity to monetize it once they reach 1000 views. They can also teach other vocational skills they know. There  are good rewards when they can successfully monetize their YouTube channel. They can make more research on this.
Further more, selling some physical goods, like facemasks, fruits, food items, clothes, phone accessories can yield some income. It does not cost too much to do these businesses. All they need is a little capital, research and possibly discover their potential buyers too. No need to just remain idle and stave the households. while school remain closed, teachers should make little money and survive.
I hope they will heed to this piece of advice as a way to seek solutions to challenges the private school teachers are going through at this time. Kindly share your thought in the comment box below. 
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