How to treat typhoid fever naturally

Here are some home remedies for typhoid fever:

1. Drink lots of fluids
Diseases like typhoid often lead to dehydration; therefore, the patients should at all times keep themselves hydrated by drinking lots of fluids. The fluids may be water, fresh fruit juices, herbal tea, etc. Water is known as very vital for life. It enables us stay hydrated and it is extremely important for maintaining water levels for a healthy and disease-free life. Typhoid might cause diarrhea, therefore intake of fresh juices will help in getting rid of toxins and other waste materials from the body. It also supplies the required nutrients to boost the immune system and fight the bacterial infection.

fresh juices Fresh juices enabling to stay hydrated during typhoid

2. Garlic

Garlic is has a wide variety of health benefits and can be extremely useful for curing typhoid fever. It contains antioxidants and acts like blood purifier. It helps the kidney flush out unwanted substances from the body while cleansing the system. However, it should be consumed raw or semi-cooked to make the most of its benefits. It hastens the healing process and boosts immunity of the person suffering from typhoid fever. It works as one of the best home remedies for typhoid fever

garlicGarlic has anti-inflammatory properties that help treat typhoid fever

3. Basil

Basil is a popular herb which eases inflammation and joint pains.It is commonly used in home remedies for typhoid fever. It is also includes in many Ayurvedic medicines ,which is said to cure many diseases including malaria. It can be infused with tea or can be boiled with water or consumed with honey by the patients. It can also be infused with ginger juice or black pepper for quick relief. The antibacterial properties of basil enable to remove the bacteria that causes typhoid.

basilBasil relieves of joint pain during typhoid fever treatment.

4. Apple cider vinegar

It has acidic properties and is a good home remedy for typhoid fever. It brings high fever down as it draws out heat from the body of the person suffering from typhoid. It contains minerals which are essential for a replacement of lost nutrients due to diarrhea.

apple cider vinegarApple cider has acidic properties helpful typhoid fever treatment.

5. Cold compress:

A person down with typhoid suffers from high fever which can stay for days; thus,it is very important to maintain a normal body temperature. This can be achieved with the use  of a cold compress which can be a cloth damp with cold water. It is then pressed on the patient's forehead, armpits, feet and hands. However, the water used in this process should not be too cold and the cloth has to be changed from time to time for best results.

Note: This content includes advice providing generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information.


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