Best ways to keep yourself and your environment healthy


1.  Keeping your environment green

To keep a green environment is making lifestyle choices that are good for your health and the environment. The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that nearly 25% of diseases are caused by things in the environment that we could have changed.

2.   Compost and Recycle


The life cycle of cans, bottles, and food doesn’t end with your meal. You can do a few things to make that cycle healthier for you and the environment. Composting creates natural fertilizer from things such as food scraps and coffee grounds. That can help reduce our dependence of chemicals. It can also limit emissions from landfills. Recycling plastic, aluminum, tin, and glass can save energy and help us keep more natural resources. It can help cut down on pollution, too.

3.   Choose Organic Foods
Organically grown fruits and vegetables do not contain antibiotics, growth hormones, and most pesticides. This type of farming can reduce pollution and improve the quality of our soil and water. There's also evidence that foods made this way may contain more nutrients and less toxins. So they probably offer more health benefits for you, too.

4.   Drink Tap Water

 The water that comes out of the tap ,in most parts of the world, is among the safest  to drink. In fact, numerous bottled water brands use it. But it can pick up chemicals during the bottling process. The plastic those bottles are made of is harmful to the environment . And It takes fuel and energy to make them, and the waste creates pollution.

5.    Use Green Cleaning Products
These products do not contain chemicals that can affect air quality or irritate your lungs, eyes, or skin. Instead, eco-friendly cleaners are rich in natural ingredients such as citrus, seed, and pine oils. It’s also much easier to dispose of “green” products safely when you’re finished using them.

6.    Get Houseplants
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are made of vapors or gases that form smog. They can affect your health and the quality of the air you breathe. Studies show that some kinds of potted plants,such as the parlor palm, can remove some VOCs from the air, specifically in well-lit areas.

7.     Walk And Bike
Fewer cars on the road mean less pollution. That’s beneficial to the environment and your health. What's more, walking or biking to work or errands are forms of exercise that can help lower your blood pressure and reduce risk of obesity and diabetes . They can boost your mood and allow you sleep better, too.

8.    Unplug
It’s probably not a surprise that taking a break from virtual reality and going outside can allow you relax, ease stress, and sleep better. It turns out that unplugging also is good for the environment. Electricity frees greenhouse gases, which retain heat in the atmosphere and play a part in global warming. In fact, electricity is the second-biggest producer of greenhouse gases in the U.S.

9.   Eat more Plant-Based Foods
If we all consumed more vegetables and less animal products, we could prevent nearly 11 million deaths every year from effects such as heart disease and diabetes. It’s also good for the environment, as plant-based foods don’t require as much production. That would mean less greenhouse gases

10.    Plants-Based Foods: Does And Don'ts  
Leafy veggies including kale, collard greens, and spinach can be nutritious side dishes. Salsa and hummus are tasty plant-based snacks. Fresh fruits are able to take care of your sweet tooth. But not all plant-based foods are healthy. White rice, pasta, and processed bread don’t contain a lot of nutrients, but they do have preservatives. Cereals -- and fruit juices -- could be high in sugar.  

11.  Plant-Based Diet To Try
If you’re looking for a way to get started, there area some well-established diets center on a plant-based lifestyle which are rich in fiber and nutrients. These include the Mediterranean diet, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH), and a combination of the two called the MIND diet. They can help reduce your blood pressure and bad cholesterol, lower diabetes risk, and enable you keep a healthy weight.


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