COVID-19:Madagascar records highest recoveries cases ever

Madagascar's remedy for COVID-19 seems to have lowered the virus rampaging spread in that country.
Covid-19 disease as we all know of is still roaming all over the world creating and causing more and more victims. Many countries have been trying by all  possible means to ensure that their people follow the WHO's issued containment measures and directives in order to reduce and stop the spread  of the disease.
Even though, these measures put in place have been helpful to some extent, the disease still is managing to slip out of hand and as of today, the world’s covid-19 confirmed cases stand at 8.7M out of which at least 4.6M have fully recovered from the disease and a total of at least 450K deaths have been recorded since the disease's outbreak. This is according to figures released by the Worldometer daily update.
Madagascar, the first African country ,and indeed the first in the World to launch a remedy  able to cure and prevent the dreaded COVID-19,since  April, 20th 2020,has been using a herbal tea as many would call or otherwise referred to as Covid Organic Cure (CVO), a move that has since drawn many African nations’ interests for the traditional herbal drug.
Packed Madagascar's CVO drug/Photo

At least 17 countries,like Ghana, Senegal, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea Bissau etc. had ordered for the remedy and since then, most of these countries are already witnessing the healing power of the remedy and are thus endorsing it.
Artemisia plant, Alleged plant for the production of the CVO herbal cure.
Recently,the Guinea Bissau president, Umaro Sissoco Embalo endorsed the use of the Madagascar drug after it  showed positive results in his  country.
"There are patients who have been cured after taking this remedy without adding any  other drugs. We did the tests three times . I can say that this medication works very well,” declared the Guinea Bissau president.
Madagascar has recorded the highest number of recoveries of 120 of which 108 are from Toamasina, 07 from Moramanga, 03 from Befelatanana, 01 each from Bongolava and Andohatapenaka
Madagascar's Covid-19 cases as at 20th, stands  as follows: 
total cases:1596,recoveries: 655,deaths:14
This has been announced on Sunday by Prof Hanta Vololontiana while announcing the country’s daily Covid-19 cases. The country announced 60 new cases bringing the total number of cases to 1596 since the first outbreak of the disease in the country.
Unlike many other countries, Madagascar seems to be recording the lowest number of Confirmed cases and this could be linked to the use of the CVO drug in the country.
It’s wise to also note that Madagascar, has also been trying more on ensuring that people observe the Government Given directives and as announced yesterday by Orange Actu Madagascar website, more than 25,000 people have been sanctioned since the measure of compulsory wearing of face mask and that police have been strategically positioned to 221 check points all over the country .

What’s your take concerning Covid-19 cure from the island Country's remedy?
 Drop your comments below.


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