COVID-19:WHO gives tips to boost your immune system to fight the virus

Eating healthy diet is very crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic as food and drink can affect the body’s capability to prevent, fight and recover from infections, advises the World Health Organisation (WHO).
WHO made this statement on Monday from Geneva;it said that no food or dietary supplements can prevent or cure COVID-19 infection, adding that healthy diets are important to supporting immune systems.
It stated also :“good nutrition can also reduce the likelihood of developing other health problems, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer".
WHO believes that for babies, a healthy diet means exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months, with the introduction of nutritious and safe foods to complement breast milk from six months to two years and above.
“For young children, a healthy and balanced diet is important for growth and development. For older people, it can help to ensure healthier and more active lives,” it stated.
The health agency gave tips for maintaining a healthy diet, saying that consumption of a variety of food, including fruits and vegetables was highly recommended.
“Every day, eat a mix of whole wheat, maize and rice, legumes and beans, plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, with some foods from animal sources such as meat, fish, eggs and milk.
“Choose whole grain foods like unprocessed maize, millet, oats, wheat and brown rice as you can; they are rich in vital fibre and can help you feel full for longer period.
“For snacks, choose raw vegetables, fresh fruit, and unsalted nuts,” it advised.
It explained that salt intake should be reduced, adding that it should be limited to five grammes, equivalent to a teaspoon a day.
WHO suggested that moderate amounts of fats and oils should be eaten, saying that replaces butter,and lard with healthier fats like olive, soy, sunflower or corn oil durin cooking.                        
Choose white meats like poultry and fish that are generally lower in fats than red meat; trim meat of visible fat and reduce mthe consumption of processed meats.
“Adopt low-fat or reduced-fat types of milk and dairy products; and avoid processed, baked and fried foods that contain manufactured trans-fat.
“Try steaming or boiling instead of frying food when cooking,” it advised.
WHO explained that intake of sweets and sugary drinks such as fizzy drinks, fruit juices, liquid and powder concentrates, flavoured water, energy and sports drinks, already-cooked tea and coffee and flavoured milk drinks should be taken in moderation.
“Choose fresh fruits instead of sweet snacks such as cookies, cakes and chocolate. When other dessert options are considered, to ensure that they are low in sugar and consume small portions.
“Avoid offering sugary foods to children. Salt and sugars should not be added to complementary foods given to those of them under two years of age, and should be limited beyond that age,” it said.
The health agency advised that people should stay hydrated by drinking adequate water, stressing that good hydration was crucial for optimal health.
“Drinking water instead of sugar-sweetened drinks is a simple way to reduce your intake of sugar and excess calories,” it said.
It advised people to avoid dangerous and harmful alcohol intake, stressing that alcohol was not part of healthy diet.
“Drinking alcohol cannot protect against COVID-19 and can be dangerous,” it warned.
WHO maintained that frequent or excessive alcohol consumption increases imminent risk of injury and can have longer-term effects such as liver damage, cancer, heart disease and mental illness.
“There is no safe level of alcohol consumption,” it concluded.


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