COVID-19:what are the early symptoms and how to manage them

 COVID-19 is a novel disease caused by corona virus. Symptoms may affect the airways and lungs, although this can vary according to individuals.
The following article highlights
 the early signs and symptoms of the infection, how to spot them, and what to do if a someone experiences symptoms.
Once a person has contracted corona virus, it takes around 2-14 days for symptoms to appear. The average incubation period appears to be close to 5-6 days.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), symptoms of corona virus can be mild and come on gradually. According to our investigation,when hospital admission is necessary, this typically occurs from 7 days onwards.
The Centres For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) believes that a person with COVID-19 can experience a wide range of symptoms, usually including a dry cough and shortness of breath.
They can also have a combination of at least two of the following symptoms
  • chill
  • fever
  • repeated shaking with chills
  • muscle pain
  • headache
  • sore-throat
  • loss of taste or odour
According to 2020 research, the prevalence of some of these symptoms appears to be:
SymptomPrevalence (%)
Dry cough60.4
Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties41.1
Muscle pain44.6
Sore throat31.2
Odour and taste disturbance64.4


Doctors consider a temperature of 100.5 or higher to be a fever.
A person with a fever may feel hot to touch on their back or chest.

Dry cough

A dry cough does not produce mucus.
According to the United Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS), if a person notices he/she is coughing a lot for over an hour, or he/she has three or more coughing episodes in a day, he/she may have corona virus.


Tiredness or fatigue, is an overall lack of energy. A person with fatigue may feel drained, weak, or sluggish.

Shortness of breath

Shortness of breath is  not a common feeling. However, those experiencing shortness of breath may describe it as if they are suffocating, or unable to catch their breath.

Other symptoms of COVID-19 may be:
  • blocked nose
  • diarrhea
  • sputum, or coughed up mucus and saliva
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • Symptoms of COVID-19 in children and teenagers are more likely to be mild.
    Early symptoms of corona virus infection in children are similar to those in adults.
    According to the CDC, early symptoms in children with a corona virus infection occur in the percentages on the table below:
    SymptomPrevalence (%)
    Dry cough54
    Shortness of breath13
    Fever and cough appear to be the common common symptoms of COVID-19 that are reported in children.
    Children may also develop additional symptoms, such as:
    • blocked nose
    • muscle pain
    • runny nose
    • vomiting
    • diarrhea
    • stomach pain
    Children with COVID-19 are likely to recover in 1-2 weeks if there is no additional issues.
    Parents and carers of children who are showing signs of a corona virus infection should contact their health service provider and keep the child at home.
    The child should also stay away from other people, especially those at higher risk of developing severe illness from corona virus.
  • People who  experience mild COVID-19 will essentially be able to recover at home without hospital treatment.
    However, close to 1 in 5 persons with a corona virus infection will become seriously unwell and develop breathing difficulties.
    Anyone noticing the following symptoms should seek medical attention immediately:
    • trouble in breathing
    • constant pain, or pressure, in the chest
    • confusion
    • inability to wake up
    • blue tinted lips or face
    A person with any of these symptoms, or other symptoms that are severe or causing concern, should call 911 immediately.
    People should also tell the service operator that they think they have contracted corona virus. If possible, they should put on a cloth face mask or covering before receiving help.
  • If a person notices that he/she or a child has symptoms of COVID-19, however mild, he should:
    • self-isolate at home, keeping separate from others in the neighborhood
    • stay indoors, unless seeking medical assistance
    • get plenty of rest
    • stay hydrated with plenty of liquids
    • take over-the-counter (OTC) cold and flu medicine to soothe symptoms
    • monitor symptoms and call the doctor if necessary
    • wear a face mask when close to other individuals
    • follow local health department guidelines
    • cover their mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, then wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
    • wash hands regularly and thoroughly
    • avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
    • keep separate glasses, cups, dishes, eating utensils, towels, and bedding if sharing a house with others
    • clean and disinfect surfaces, such as doorknobs, counters, remote controls, phones, keyboards, bathroom surfaces, or tables very often.
    • If a person is caring for someone with early symptoms of corona virus infection, he/she should ensure he/she should follow guidelinesto protect themselves and the care receiver.
      These may include:
      • helping the care receiver follow any instructions from a doctor
      • keeping them hydrated
      • helping with groceries, prescriptions, and other requirements
      • caring for any pets
      • providing the care receiver with OTC medications when appropriate
      • monitoring their symptoms and looking for signs that they may need more medical help
      • washing cloth face masks after use
      • monitoring their own health for corona virus symptoms
      • wearing disposable gloves when washing the care receiver’s dirty laundry
      • cleaning and disinfecting surfaces daily
      • using a separate bedroom and bathroom from the care receiver
      • ensuring good air ventilation to reduce chances of getting the virus
      The person giving care should insure he/she limits contact, as much as possible, with the individual they are caring for.
      The carer should wear a face mask when near the sick person, and gloves if they come into contact with their blood, stool, or bodily fluids.
      If the care receiver has trouble in breathing easily, he/she should also always wear a face mask when the carer is nearby.
      Frequent washing of hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with soap and water is critical for the carer.

      Corona virus typically spreads via small water droplets that a person with the virus projects when he/she talks,coughs or sneezes. When another person inhales these droplets, the SARS-CoV-2 virus can enter the body.
      Droplets in the air can also land on surfaces and objects. People who touch these contaminated surfaces are at risk of infection if they then touch their eyes, nose, or mouth before washing their hands.
      Some people may transmit the virus despite being asymptomatic. However, researchers do not know how often this can happen.
      People should follow the guidelines displayed in place by their local health organizations to ensure they keep themselves and others safe.

      A person can protect themselves from corona virus by following the CDC guidelines.
      They include:
      • washing hands regurlarly or at least 20 seconds with soap and water
      • using hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if washing hands is not possible
      • avoiding touching the eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
      • keeping away from people with a corona virus infection
      • keeping a distance of at least 6 feet from other people
      • covering mouth and nose with a face cover when around others
      • covering nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing
cleaning and disinfecting regularly touched surfaces


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