Like a glowing, healthy skin? These are the 8 best food for you
Did you know that your skin is the largest organ in your body? It protects you from infections, dehydration and the hostilities of the environment. There’s no doubt it deserves a whole lot of attention! Aside from all the moisturisers, serums and BB creams that can be applied from the outside, one of the simplest things you can do for a glowing skin is to take care of it from the inside first. To maintain a beautiful skin, we’ve put together our top 8 favourite foods for a glowing complexion. 1. Carrots Orange veggies like carrots (pumpkin and sweet potato, too!) contain ‘beta-carotene’;it protects your skin from harmful UV rays and prevents thle development of wrinkles and visible signs of ageing. Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A in our bodies and allows to regenerate and maintain smooth and supple skin. You can buy carrots by the kilo and prepare them in various ways. You can have them simply cut into sticks and dipped in hummus! Dry scaly skin is a symp...